
Articles récents

  • Actualités Proton
Proton Mail is not vulnerable to the recently announced Linux TCP Vulnerability. Earlier this week, a serious Linux TCP Vulnerability was disclosed by researchers.
OpenPGPjs email encryption library
  • Nouveautés produits
  • Proton Mail
OpenPGPjs is the world's most popular JavaScript PGP email encryption library and is used by millions of end users and hundreds of developers.
protonmail spam filtering
  • Nouveautés produits
  • Proton Mail
One of the biggest challenges at Proton Mail is doing effective spam filtering with encrypted emails.
Proton Mail Android Secure Email App
  • Actualités Proton
Proton Mail Android v1.3.2 new features and fixes.
meet the protonmail support team
  • Nouveautés produits
  • Proton Mail
We believe a technology cannot be great without excellent support. Meet the people who are supporting the Proton Mail Community.
protonmail launch
  • Nouveautés produits
  • Proton Mail
As of 12:30PM Geneva time, Proton Mail iOS and Android apps are available worldwide. Proton Mail is officially out of beta now and we are allowing open signups.
  • Nouveautés produits
  • Proton Mail
World's largest secure email service allows open signups for the first time since 2014 and releases mobile apps.
paypal and custom signatures
  • Nouveautés produits
We have now released Proton Mail version 3.1.4 which brings two important enhancements.
CISA Surveillance Law
  • Actualités vie privée
Na sexta-feira passada, o Congresso americano e o presidente Obama assinaram a Lei de Vigilância CISA usando métodos desleais.
Proton Mail 3.1 release notes
  • Actualités Proton
For the first time, you can now use your own domain name with Proton Mail. This means emails sent to/from [email protected] can go through Proton Mail and benefit from end-to-end encryption.
Proton Mail Classic Theme
  • Actualités Proton
Proton Mail 3.0 comes by default with a new theme, but for those who prefer the original Proton Mail look, the Classic Theme is still available.