
Common signup problems and solutions

2 Min.
Sign up and login issues

Creating an account with Proton(neues Fenster) usually takes less than 30 seconds, but problems can sometimes occur. Here are some of the most common signup problems. If you don’t see the problem you are experiencing listed here, you can contact our support team(neues Fenster).

Signup page not reachable

If you are getting a connection error in your browser that says the page cannot be reached, our website might be blocked on your network. The block may be caused by your internet service provider, your employer (if you are signing up on a work network), or your firewall.

To fix this problem, first ensure that your internet connection is stable, and that you are able to open other websites. If you can access other websites, please run a traceroute to and report the results to our support team(neues Fenster).

If you are using a VPN service, please try connecting to a different server or disconnect the VPN connection temporarily.

Signup page not loaded completely

If some fields of the signup form are missing or not shown properly, certain elements may be blocked within your browser. To fix this issue, try disabling your browser’s add-ons or plugins, as they may interfere with how our website works. If that doesn’t work, try again with cookies(neues Fenster), JavaScript(neues Fenster), and sessionStorage(neues Fenster) enabled on your browser when you create your account.

If the signup page still does not load completely, try using a different web browser. You can find a list of recommended browsers for use with Proton Mail here(neues Fenster).

Error during creation phase

When certain elements within your browser are blocked you may receive an error message while trying to create your Proton Mail account. This can also be caused by a browser failure. 

First, try disabling your browser add-ons and plugins, as they can interfere with how our website works. Then make sure that you have cookies(neues Fenster), JavaScript(neues Fenster), and sessionStorage(neues Fenster) enabled on your browser.

If this doesn’t work, try using a different web browser, or capture a screenshot of the error message and contact our support team(neues Fenster).

Cannot get past human verification

We implement a dynamic anti-abuse system(neues Fenster) that adapts to current methods of abuse. However, some people experience an error where either no human verification methods are shown, or there is difficulty getting past the ones that are shown. If you are experiencing this problem, please contact our support team(neues Fenster) for more help.

Other problems

If you are using a recommended browser(neues Fenster), have disabled all of your extensions, and are still not able to create your account, please contact us(neues Fenster). Make sure to provide as much detail as possible as well as a way to reach you.

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