Latest articles
- Privacy guides
Apple promotes its products as a private alternative, but iCloud is not private
by default. Here's what Apple can see in iCloud.
- Privacy guides
There are many ways to store documents, but they aren’t all secure. Learn how to
properly store and protect your documents.
- Privacy guides
Our Anti-abuse team is constantly monitoring new phishing attacks. We explain
two creative new attacks and how Proton Mail can protect you.
- Privacy guides
Learn all about email clients, how they work, and the pros and cons of using one
compared to webmail.
- Privacy guides
Learn how to send an email as anonymously as possible using Proton Mail,
SimpleLogin, and a VPN or Tor.
- Product updates
The Proton Family plan gives six family members access to all Proton’s services
and premium features.
- Privacy news
Google is out of new ideas, and as ad revenue declines the company is doubling
down on its data-hungry business model.
- Privacy guides
Fraudsters have many ways to get your personal data and steal your identity and
money. Learn how to protect yourself.
- Privacy guides
Whenever you’re sharing sensitive documents, you should send the file in
encrypted format. Here’s the easiest and most secure way to do that.
Here’s how Big Tech is trying to give itself immunity from government oversight
through the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework.
- Product updates
- Proton Drive
Proton Drive automatically saves previous versions of your files, meaning you’ve
always got a backup in case the worst happens.