
Guides vie privée

Data breach prevention illustration
  • Guides vie privée
This post explains the steps you should take to prevent your data from being exposed in a breach, including using aliases and end-to-end encryption.
  • Guides vie privée
Découvrez ce qu'est le chiffrement PGP, son fonctionnement, son degré de sécurité et la manière la plus simple de sécuriser vos e-mails en l'utilisant.
Proton Mail for Journalist
  • Guides vie privée
Proton Mail supports independent journalism. Our encrypted messages let journalists protect their sources and whistleblowers safely report wrongdoing.
  • Guides vie privée
In this article, we tell you how to create a strong password and the best way to keep it safe.
  • Guides vie privée
A strong password doesn’t have to be 30 characters long. But if you’re using an eight-character password, you have a good chance of being hacked.
Internet privacy
  • Guides vie privée
Increase your online privacy with this one-stop guide. It includes simple steps to keeping companies and hackers away from your data.
black friday scams
  • Guides vie privée
We’ve done some research and put together a list of Black Friday email scams that tend to crop up around this time of year. If you know their strategies, it’s much easier to protect yourself and your online accounts.
Privacy vs security
  • Guides vie privée
The NSA has long argued that surveillance is necessary for security. Here's why that argument is wrong and why privacy is a prerequisite for security.
  • Guides vie privée
Les entreprises technologiques récupèrent les données de vos enfants avant qu'ils soient en âge de donner leur accord en toute connaissance de cause. En tant que parent, vous pouvez participer à la protection de la vie privée de vos enfants en ligne,
  • Guides vie privée
There are ways to protect your data when crossing international borders if you understand the technology and the law.
google privacy problem
  • Guides vie privée
Gmail privacy is a real issue. Learn why you should care.